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(Çirkin Ördek Yavrusu)
2007/07/17 15:32
Re: на англ [re: Juliet]Обратить на это сообщение внимание Модератораархив 

SUMACH (RHUS CORIARIA L.) is a perennial
plant that grows in Mediterranean countries,
North Africa, South Europe, Afghanistan,
and Iran. It is a bushy shrub of the Anacardiaceae
family that reaches up to 3 m. It has
light gray or reddish stems that exude a resin
when it is cut. Since antiquity, R. coriaria leaves
have been known in Mediterranean countries
as a means for tanning leather (4.0%), and the
dry fruits as a remedy against stomach diseases
and as a condiment.
Sumach is a very popular condiment in
Turkey. It is a major souring agent, used where
other regions would employ lemon or vinegar.
Mixed with freshly cut onions, it is frequently
eaten as an appetizer. The well-known Turkish
fast food speciality döner kebab is sometimes
flavored with sumach powder. It is rubbed on
kebabs before grilling and may be used in this
way with fish or chicken. Also, a mixture of yogurt
and sumach is often served with kebabs.
The berries have diuretic properties and are
used for bowel complaints, as an antiseptic,
and for reducing fever. Dried fruits are also
used against diarrhea and in the treatment of

Если вкратце: деревце до 3х м ростом, растет в Анатолии и на побережье Средиземного моря; используется для обработки кожи, в кач-ве специи-кислинки, помогает от диареи и дерматита! О как!!! :old:

Eşek hoşaftan ne anlar; suyunu içer, tanesine bakar.

Вся Ветвь
*Sumak Juliet   2007/07/17 13:09
.*Re: Sumak Annie   2007/07/18 17:33
.*Re: Sumak kadin   2007/07/17 16:48
.*Re: Sumak Olga_Kuzu   2007/07/17 16:50
.*Re: Sumak kadin   2007/07/17 17:21
.*Re: Sumak Olga_Kuzu   2007/07/17 18:15
.*Re: Sumak Kalibri   2007/07/17 19:44
.*Re: офф Olga_Kuzu   2007/07/17 20:04
.*Re: офф Kalibri   2007/07/17 21:24
.*Re: на англ Olga_Kuzu   2007/07/17 15:32
.*Re: Sumak Olga_Kuzu   2007/07/17 15:27
.*Re: Sumak Juliet   2007/07/18 16:33
.*Re: Sumak kadin   2007/07/18 18:00
.*Re: Sumak Juliet   2007/07/18 19:01
.*Re: Sumak kadin   2007/07/18 22:30
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